The Tangem app allows you to exchange cryptocurrencies thanks to the integration of Tangem Wallet with 1inch, the largest DEX aggregator. Transactions can be executed on Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Avalanche C-Chain, Gnosis, Polygon, Fantom Opera, Arbitrum and Optimistic Ethereum.
To exchange tokens you need to:
1. Go to the Tangem app.
2. Choose the cryptocurrency you want to exchange.
3. On the next screen select "Actions" and then "Swap".
4. Enter the number of coins you want to swap and select the currency you want to exchange for.
5. Tap the card to sign the transaction.
Once the transaction is signed and sent to the blockchain, you can view the transaction data in Explorer. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to exchange currencies on our blog.
You can also connect Tangem Wallet to various decentralized exchanges (DEXs like Uniswap, PancakeSwap etc.) to exchange currencies using WalletConnect. Please note that you have to connect to the DEX from the exchange itself. You can see how it looks in PancakeSwap, for example, via the link. All DeFi apps, including DEXs, that you can connect to Tangem Wallet can be found on the WalletConnect website via the link.
You can also find detailed instructions on how to exchange currencies via WalletConnect on our blog.
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